Welcome to our Website!
We are the University of Kansas Medical Center Police Department Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #37 (FOP Lodge 37). We serve the KU Medical Center Campus and surrounding neighborhoods. Our organization currently holds 45 members of the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP).
You may be wondering what the FOP is exactly. As noted on the National FOP website, we are the voice dedicated to those who dedicate their lives to protecting and serving the KUMC Campus and Rosedale community in Kansas City, KS. The FOP is committed to improving the working conditions of Law Enforcement Officers and the safety of those we serve through education, legislation, information, community involvement, and employee representation. No one knows the dangers and difficulties faced by today's police officers better than another officer. No one knows police officers better than the FOP.
We are a local chapter of something much bigger here to provide guidance and support for each of its members.